June 28, 2011


I just couldn't hold my tears when I saw this video...

Call me over or such a drama queen, but it's just so sad... This video has just brought back my memories when I experienced the March 11 earthquake. Those nights at the evacuation center, lack of food, feel so uncertain what shoul we do tommorow, and when will this condition going to be normal.

But, what made me more sad was when I realized that I am still more lucky than them, the victims. How many nights should they spend in the evacuation center? They are even still staying at the evacuation center until now. How they lose their familes, their house, everything. And for the people around Sendai city who experienced the effect of the disaster. The food supply was limited, so they have to queue for almost 2 weeks, and no heater.. (at that time was still winter). And also the Fukushima problem. Ya Allah, I could even hold my tears just to figure this out.

Nowdays, everytime I meet Japanese people here, at Sendai, I kinda have some question, how do you feel at that time, how do you survive, and realize that how amazing you are. Since, when I got back to Sendai, after been evacuated by the Indonesian government to my home land for around 40 days, here at Sendai city, everything has got back to normal.

Well, Japanese...I salute you...!

Always Ganbarre Sendai, Ganbarre Miyagi, Ganbarre Tohoku, Ganbarre Japan!

**They even say thanks to all the International people...ooh..tears...

June 27, 2011

My 'step' sensei

I don't mean to be mean by calling one of my Professor as my 'step' sensei. He is the Prof of the next lab actually, but he also the man in charge of my international program, Human Security. So I have two Professors here, first is my Professor, himself, the head of my lab who also take a role as my first thesis supervisor. And the second is my 'step' sensei as I mentioned before, my second thesis supervisor. Both are kind to me, but when it comes to the 'study things', my step sensei is just so frightening, huaaa.... I always feel that Im the dumbest person in the world *drama queen* after I discuss with him. And it's just like what I feel now, I feel like I want to drown my head in the ground, feel nothing and useless. Ooooh, am I really that dumb?

Though I do understand what have he done is for my own best, but it's still feel so irritating. Like always, I need much time to find my feet again after talking to him. It 's just like now, seems that I just need some extra good sleep, and next I will face the mess to fix it.

Ganbarimasu...keep on learning, coz life is a never ending learning, right? *mencoba senyum2

June 26, 2011

My spirit

Now is such a harsh time, and I almost loose my faith.
Uncoincidenly heard this song from my playlist, and It just reminds me, that Allah the Almighty will always be there for me, taking care of me, and never let me down.

Insha Allah, I will find my way...

Allah is with me, and there would be no stuck way...

courtessy of www.youtube.com via @awakeningrecords


Death is certain, we're just don't know when it'll be.
Please, use our time wisely..

Compared to money, time is much more precious, but most people are more careful in spending their money than spending their time..why?
*note and question to my self

video courtessy of www.youtube.com @obaid7400

Feel so sorry

This morning (errr, not really morning actually, since I went to bad after I did my Subuh pray, ouch!), I woke up because a text alerted my mobile. The text was asking whether I am able or not doing something (I could not figure out the detail, my apalogy). Since the first I got the text, I keep thinking on the request, but still it ended up with my objection. Thus, I say sorry since I can't make it.

Well it's ok then, it ends right there, the requester understood, but it's just me who feels uncomfortable becuse I said no. Whoaa...and this feeling is like killing me now...-:((

June 25, 2011

Si Mbak Parti

Well, ok..a lil bit weird in title, but trust me, I wont write about 'Mbak Parti' (who is she anyway?-:p), coz in this post I will write my 'party' experience. If I might say, I'm not a kind of party girl, not even such party there back home (read: wedding party). I dont know why, I just feel unconfortable with the crowd. If I go to the wedding party, it means, that it's a special one, like my best friend wedding or just simply I have to come. Though if I have to choose, I defintely prefer not to go.

Unfortunately, in here I have to face kind of 'worse party than just wedding party'. Well it's not really that bad actually, but compared to those parties back home, I could say that it is (sorry) worse. Why worse? First, sometime I only have limited kind of food that could be eaten. And some people are just so curious why I can't eat this and that, blabla. The thing that they know is I am forbidden to eat pork and drink alcohol, that's all. It seems that they don't really get why I could not also eat beef and chicken though Ive already explained. Once my friend had asked someone who in charge of a party, he asked to serve the halalan food and as I predicted before, they could not provide halalan food (ya iyalah...bletak!). Then I just asked them to provide seafood.

Second is communication problem. Yaya,it's just me, who is so silly, living in Japan but could not speak and understand Japanese, hoho.. Thus I could not enjoy the party since Im lonely-:(. FYI, last semester, in my lab I am the only international student who uses English as my primary language, and the other students could not speak English well. There are also several international students, but they are Korean and Chinese who use Japanese as their primary language here, too bad! And another additional reason, I simply dont like seeing people get drunk, because I'm not used to see drunk people.

Unfortunately, I could not escape from attending a party. My senior said that for Japanese, party is important. If you don't come it will mean: 1) for sensei and senior, you are not respecting them; 2) for your friends, you don't want to play with them; and 3) for the juniors, you are ignoring them. So that, I always try to come, though it's torturing.. *drama queen*. But anyway, once I have a nice party here. It's a party at my program, Human Security. It's nice, since the majority food served is seafood, and all the students are foreigners, so we communicated in Englis, yeaaahh...-:). Oooh, how I do hope that there weren't a party that should be attended...again-:)).

June 22, 2011

My favourite match!

Yeeaayyy.. combination of blue and pink is a perfect match for me. Love it! And it's just so me..-:D.

Too bad, because of the light, the sweet motif of my white dress could not be captured well, fyi, it's flowerish blue and pink eniwei.


Skype-an malam minggu kemaren, out of nowhere pengen aja ngerjain Dad, haha..gotcha!

Me: Pak, boleh gag aku pacaran sama bukan orang Indonesia?

Dad: Hah? (spechless, muka bingung)
(setelah jeda sesaat) Nggak boleh, masak beda agamanya!

Me: Yeee..muslim juga koook..

Dad: (muka bingung, jeda lama) Tetep nggak boleh ah, kayak nggak ada orang Indonesia aja!

Me: (nggak puas) Yeee, emang nggak ada! (keukeuh)

Yayaya...the thing is, I know that my Dad wont allow me..ouuucchhh! Yang jelas kata Mas Widi, Dad baru dapet pertanyaan gila dari saya tentang ini aja udah pucet pasi, gimana ujug2 saya tenteng tu lelaki luar negeri..?

June 9, 2011

Deadly questions!

Pertanyaan 'how old are you?' adalah pertanyaan yg bikin saya 'males'. Kalau yg nanya orang2 yg bisa eigo,saya biasanya jawab: 'nonono..dont want to tell you' ato 'Ive stopped counting my age'. Tapi yang jadi bikin ribet kalo yg nanya org Jepang yg gag bisa eigo,duh!

Ada kalanya di basu noriba eyang2 di sini sering ngajak saya ngobrol. Dimulai dari 'dochira ga okuni wa?' (dari negara mana asalnya?) blablabla, sampai akhirnya keluar juga pertanyaan yg saya gag suka itu: 'nan sai desu ka?' (how old are you?). Mau bilang kalo gag mau jawab,bingung ngomongnya gimana. Yaudahlah,jadi seringnya saya jawab aja. Reaksi mereka begitu tau umur saya selalu kaget..'hee...honto ni..?' (ah, yang bener?) oke,I take it as a compliment,secara mereka selalu mengira umur saya ni ju yon (24) ato ni ju go (25) . Ini rasanya seperti dibawa terbang tinggi gitu..

Tapiiii... pertanyaan sesudahnya,paling bikin mules: 'kekkonshimashitaka?' (sudah menikah?). Dan begitu mendengar jawaban saya mereka akan bilang hal yang sama 'heee...honto ni?', tapi nadanya bikin saya ngerasa mendadak dijatuhin dari tempat tinggi pas saya terbang tadi.

Duh..dua pertanyaan ini beneran pertanyaan maut buat saya..not likey much deh! And please,dont ask me the same question!