May 30, 2010

How's the good campus style?

Few days ago, I did some experiment with my clothes, tried to mix this with that and that with this. Yeah, it's quite worked. I could make some combination that I haven't imagined before, cute and it's just so me....-:D. But unfortunalety those styles are what's called the 'mall' or 'hang out style', and I think that those aren't appropriate enough to be worn at my campus,what is more to meet my supervisor, aaaarrrgggh! Campus style is quite tricky for me, only jeans and shirt? I think that's too plain, am I rite? But another more stylish outfit can be looked very 'over'. I am not a kind of girls who prepare what I have to be worn carefully, I mean like making some preparation at the night before *I know, many girls do that*. My most precious time is when I open my clothe cupboar's door and just pick them depend on my mood.

And talking bout the campus, I just remember that tommorow I have to meet my supervisors (again), and what's good about that, I haven't finished my revision -:D. *Ooooppss* I don't know why, It seems that I loose my appetite to work seriously on my research proposal. What I have to do to turn on my spirit is just reminding myself that I could only go home as soon as I finish my work, huh! So, let's finish the work and meet pak dosen tommorow.

May 26, 2010

Bluuueeee time!

Alhamdulillah, finally I can force myself to go to the library today. Yea...though it's only until the mid day, I still proud of myself -:D. It's such an achievement for me, since I was so laaaazyyy. Was? I think have been is the truth, hehe.

I get headache, because I was poured by the rain on my way back home after the gathering with my juniors. I have a will to finish the second revision tonight and submit it tommorow. But, well I think I can't do that. I just need some rest. After the Isya pray, I definitely want to sleep. Hopefully I can wake up freshly later on.

This is my outfit for today. Library-ing and gatering, then end up with raining -:D.

tosca jilbab + blue marine shirt + abstract blue skirt + balck skinny jeans

I do really liiiikkkeeee the skirt. I bought it about 2 or 3 years ago at ITC BSD.

May 25, 2010

My laziness

It's just still the same me. Yang males, mood-moodan, dan kebanyakan ngono-ngene. Whoooaaa, tommorow is gonna be my due date to submit my second draft of my thesis proposal. But since Monday afternoon after I met my second supervisor, I've done nothing! Not even go to the library, the place that I can gather some information to complete my proposal. How lazy I am right? And I don't know what should I say to my supervisor then...-:((. Laziness..please go away from me....!!!

Actually, I just feel so stucked, I can't figure how to revise these words. Could somebody help help me...?

May 22, 2010

Run away from my thesis

Satu pengakuan jujur dari saya, hmm sebenernya sampai sekarang tesis saya belum tersentuh sama sekali. Sebenernya semalem saya sudah berniat baja untuk mengerjakannya selama dua hari ini Tapi semalam waktu cek film yang sedang naik di Malang, niat saya tergoyahkan, karenaaaa Clash of The Titan udah naik, hehe. Telat banget sih baru nonton, Malang gitu lho -:D.

Saya emang termasuk orang yang addicted sama mitologi Yunani, suka..suka..suka..! Jadi film ini emang udah saya tunggu-tunggu. Okelah filmnya, meskipun makhluknya kenapa jelek2 banget sih. Saya gag suka makhluk2 berwajah horor karena dalam waktu lama masih tersimpan dalam memori saya dan seringkali membayangi, apalagi kalo sendirian, huh! Hal lain yang membuat saya pengen noton film ini adalah Liam Neeson. I do love him so! Saya suka karakter dia yang terlihat berwibawa. Saya mengingat dia sebagai sosok 'Master Qui Gon Jing' di Star Wars 1: The Phantom Menace. Di sekuel Star Wars selanjutnya dia udah gag muncul muncul karen di akhir Star Wars 1 Qui Gon Jing tewas dibunuh 'Darth Maul'. Tapi sosok Qui Gon Jing keburu mencuri hati saya, so calm..-:D. Eniwei ternyata Liam Neeson ini udah seumurah Baak saya, hadoooh kok masih ganteng aja yaa..

Sebenernya..sebenernya..*pengakuan yang lain* sebelum nonton Clash of The Titan saya juga nonton How to train your Dragon -:p. Sepertinya yang movie addicted, padahal gag juga. Masalahnya agak susah nyari hiburan di Malang. Ngemoll juga gitu2 aja. Jadi 'going to movie' jadi satu2nya sarana refreshing buat saya yang simple dan murah. Meskipun seringnya nonton sendirian *kasian banget* karena sebagian besar teman saya gag suka nonton *beda aliran*. Yah itung2 saya anggep 'me time'. Sayangnya belum tentu setiap minggu film yang ada di 21 itu bagus. Nasib tinggal di Malang deh. How to train you Dragon juga baguuus, cocoklah buat anak-anak. Kalo buat saya ceritanya terlalu ketebak, yah standar film anak2 lah, yang menggiring kepada kebajikan *apa siih*.

Jadi saya sudah menyianyiakan satu hari buat nesis. Padahal Pak Dosen udah bilang: "minggu depan ya ujian proposal!" *glek*. Sayang sekali, saya masih belum terpacu buat ngerjain juga. I'm calling on my spirit, oh spirit please come...-:D.

These are my oufit to the movie:

yellow paris jilbab + green Pekalongan batik tube dress + black cardigan + black skinny jeans

*Ya oke, masih setia dengan kaca, nokia 6600 dan kursi...-:P

May 21, 2010

Friday in blue

For me, Friday means batik day. Actually not only Friday, but also Thurday and everyday. But, Friday is a must for wearing batik. Therefore I wore my blue batik skirt. I bought this batik 2 years ago at Inacraft exhibition, actually I entrust my friends to buy it-:D. To be honest, I don't know exactly what kind of batik is this, but it's in Dobi fabric and very resembles the Alleira batik in its material.

I also chose blue for today, since it's my favourite colour and (again) I need more spirit to boost my mood. I got my allergy this morning, and it's just so annoying-:(. Anyway, I looks very formal, huh? Am I look like 'ibu2 guru'? Grrrrr..........

blue batik skirt + blue the ex shirt + blue paris jilbab

May 20, 2010

Not in the good mood

Hari ini saya amat sangat tidak bersemangat. Setelah sahur, pukul 6 pagi saya memang kembali tidur karena merasa masih luar biasa mengantuk. Mungkin itu yang menyebabkan saya luar biasa lemas hari ini.
Saya terbangun sekitar pukul 9.30 dalam keadaan amat sangat pusing dan ada pesan di hand phone saya, bahwa saya harus ke kampus pukul 10.00. Seketika juga saya segera bergegas bersiap2.
I didn't feel the spirit. Makanya saya pilih baju dengan warna yang cerah ceria untuk memboost mood saya. Ternyata gag ngaruh juga :(.These are what I wore today. *masih setia dengan kaca dan hape 6600 saya...-:D.

pink jilbab + red shirt + pink bolero + ethnic skirt + black legging

Bad news buat saya, karena saya menyelesaikan draft proposal tesis malam ini Whoooaaa..gambarimasu!!!

May 19, 2010

Mirroraholic -:D's just my stupidity. I forgot to bring my camera here to Malang, doooh! Yep, I arrived at Malang last night, and I have to be ready to finish all of the thesis things here. Today was my first day to meet my supervisors. Since one of my supervisors still in his outsite duty, I can only meet one of them. I do realize that I have to make good impression on him. Thus, I chose this outfit:

creay paris jilbab + creamy clock skirt + creamy shirt + black ethnic belt
Yayaya..the picture is so unclear, since I took it from my mobile phone. It's an very obsolete mobile phone, 6600 series of Nokia, gyahahaha-:D. I also took it from the reflection of the mirro since I feel hesitate to disturb my boarding house's mate for a help, hihihi. I really like the skirt. It's just so me-:D. I bought it about a year ago in Tanah Abang-:D.
I hope, I can finish all the proposal research things here in Malang as soon as possible. So I can do the research soon. Whooaaa... It's still a long hard way to go. Bismillah.

May 18, 2010

It's me vs the motorcycle -:D

Sometimes, I can be so confused with what should I've worn. Akhir Ramadhan 2007 lalu, I promise to myself untuk gag menyerupai laki2 lagi dalam hal berpenampilan *sebenernya udah sering denger hadist ini dari zaman sma-:D*. Thus, sejak saat itu I always wear skirt. Meskipun deep down inside I don't like wearing skirt, soalnya agak ribet, apalagi kalo hujan -:(. Alhamdulillah selalu konsisten sih, meskipun I do realize kalo sometimes pakaian yang saya pake belum fully like mbak2 rohis-:D.

Bisa membuat saya sedikit bingung karena semenjak saya tinggal di Malang untuk sementara, saya seringkali menggunakan motor, meskipn duduknya dibelakang, hihihi. Sebagian besar temen2 kuliah saya gag suka naik angkot, I don't know why, tapi ini emang habit orang2 yang tinggal di daerah. Awalnya suka sebel sih, karena susah kalo mau pergi rame2. Padahal kalo mau dibikin seru naik angkot rame2 juga bisa. Tapi mungkin juga karena di Malang itu dan hampir sebagian daerah di luar Jabodetabek, angkot2 gag beroperasi di semua jalan2 penting, jadi emang suka susah kalo gag pake kendaraan pribadi.

Awalnya sih fine2 aja, naik motor dengan posisi menyamping *karena saya pake rok*, tapi kalo harus perjalanan yang cukup jauh jadi gag nyaman dan gag aman juga kayaknya. Blom lagi ada policy baru dari Bapak saya untuk gag duduk menyamping lagi karena emang bahaya *bliaw abis baca artikel tentang kecelakaan motor*.

So, saya sedikit bingung, harus pake apa? Selama liburan di rumah kemaren ini saya sempat harus dobonceng motor untuk pergi bareng adik say, akhirnya pilihanya pake kayak gini:

cream paris hijab+ brow wool skirt + yellow tanktop + black legging + cream tight shirt

purple hijab + purple dress + black tight shirt + black skinny jeans
Outfit yang pertama sih masih berwujud rok menurutku. Tapi yang kedua bisa dibilang pake rok gag sih? *cuma di bawah lutut dikit dressnya-:(*

May 14, 2010

Messy outfit

Ok, actually I want to tell you about my messy outfit just I had tonight. A lil' bit embarassing since I just grabbed what I've seen to be worn. Panic, my sister's household assistance, called 'mbak Nila, arrived at my sister's house unconsiously after playing around with her friend. My panic sister called my dad, thus the panic virus also spreads to my house. My dad hurry me so much to accompany him going to my sister house and help my sister to take mbak Nila to the docter. These are my messy outfit.

batik skirt + brown tunik + white cardigan + white hijab
fyi: I just finished creaming my face with the night cream *oily skin face-:D*

Today, a year ago

Never tought I would experience this, but that time was a very hurting experience. A new environment, new friends, those new people who I tought have the same 'soul' with me, suddenly attack me from my back. It was my first time that I realized: you can't always meet good people, some people can do any ways to reach their goals (eventhough using bad dirty ways), and you can't easily trust others.

Thus at the end, I also learn how to forgive (eventhough I can't forget), and open the new chapter of our friendship. But it was a great experience for me to stay alert, not every people can enter my circle of trust. Yeah, life is never flat.

Happiness thing

I just read one of my facebook friends' status, actually he is my senior at IPB when I was at bachelor degree. He wrote: "When the door of happiness closes, another opens, but often times we look so long at the closed door that we don't see the one which has been opened for us." Simple thing, but it's just hit me so much *my excuse: everybody too*.

Think back about the quote, we, as human oftenly ask God to give us what we've dreamed or wanted, and think that we've failed if we couldn't make it. We rarely realize *in the first tought* that there is a very powerfull power who knows everything that controls our lives. Sometime we swear or angry to our failure and think that God doesn't love us. We don't realize that our dream might be not something that is best for us.

Many wise men said that "God doesn't always give us what we want, but God simply gives us what we need." Reflecting to the quote, hopefully I can also think as simple as that. What I haven't got is not something that I need. Yes, it's just as simple as that.

May 12, 2010

Sepenggal kisah tentang YISC Al Azhar

Waktu nge-fb sore tadi, one of my friend tagged me this picture. Foto publikasi acara miladnya YISC yang ke 39. Fiiuuuhh, seketika juga gue langsung menerawang, it's been 2 years ago ya, acara milad YISC yang ke 37, saat gue masih 'sok sibuk' heboh bikin film buat acara milad YISC. Uh, I miss those time badly.

Awal ikut YISC niatnya emang buat belajar Islam lebih dalam. A lil' bit strange sih, kenapa gue yang tinggal jauh di ujung dunia (baca: Serpong-:D) malah milih ngaji ke YISC yang ada di Kebayoran baru. It's all because di sekitar rumah gue, kelompok pengajiannya pasti identik dengan 'kelompok', 'organisasi' atau 'partai' tertentu. Since dari zaman dahulu kala gue bukan termasuk golongan yang kata orang 'anak rohis' dan gag pernah ikut kelompok tertentu, jadilah waktu nyoba ikut gabung sama salah satu kelompok pengajian malah berasa 'allien'.

Singkat kata akhirnya gabunglah gue di YISC. It's a really nice place to learn deh. Yang paling asyik sih karena di sini aku bisa ketemu temen2 baru yang 'sealiran'. Selain sealiran buat serius belajar juga sealiran buat ngemall abis ngaji-:D. Lucky me, karena dari awal dapet temen di YISC langsung kenal temen yang satu 'soul'. Ada Intan, Dini dan Mirell, yang sampai sekarang jadi sahabat2 baik gue.

Selain hobi ngemall, barengan mereka juga gue suka 'sok sibuk' di YISC. Dari jadi tim sukses pas pemilihan ketua angkatan, bikin film en acara keakraban angkatan. Yang paling seru pastinya pas bikin film. Itu bener2 menguras energi dan waktu. Dari bikin skenario, syuting2 sampai ngedit kita kerjain bareng di tengah segala keterbatasan.

Inget banget malem2 naik transjak rame2 ke kota buat syuting di sana. Then semaleman gag tidur di rumah Dini bareng Intan, Agung dan Ganes buat ngedit film ini. Dan ternyata sekarang uda dua tahun yang lalu aja gitu. Betapa cepatnya waktu berjalan. There's one thing that I'm so gratefull, karena dengan YISC gue pernah punya masa2 terindah bareng teman2 yang baik, dan karena YISC juga gue punya sahabat2 terbaik.

Kita menyebutnya jendela, Untuk heterogenitas tak terbatas
Kita menyebutnya pustaka,Untuk sumber-sumber ilmu yang luas
Kita menyebutnya Saudara,Untuk komunitas yang membimbing dalam ikhlas

Kita menyebutnya organisasi,Tapi berbalutkan persaudaraan
Kita menyebutnya perkumpulan, Tapi bertalikan ukhuwah
Kita menyebutnya lembaga , Tapi berikatan kekeluargaan

Kita menyebutnya ...
Youth Islamic Study Club (YISC) Al Azhar..

Quote di atas gue ambil dari note di bawah foto yang gue aplot ini. Selamat milad you so much..much..much..deh.

May 11, 2010

Taplak meja dari Lombok

Look..look..look! Lucu gag rok gue? *exhibition mode on* Sebenernya rok ini udah jadi lama banget, cuma gara2 komen Ibu yang bilang kalo rok ini kayak reog, gue jadi ilpil dan gag pede buat make. Cuma kalo dipikir-pikir sayang juga, soalnya ini lucu banget, etlis menurutkyu-:D.

Sebenernya, kain rok ini tu taplak meja yang gue beli di Lombok sekitar tahun 2006-an deh. Maksut hati mau ngoleh2in Ibu taplak meja makan yang lucu banget. Tenyata, taplak ini kekecilan buat mejanya *ketahuan banget agak buta ngira2 ukuran*. So, daripada sayang dipikir2 bisa buat dibikin sesuatu, secara motifnya yang etnik banget dan warnanya yang sangat gue.

Modelnya sendiri dapet pas lagi jalan ke Ambas, nyolong2 di depan toko orang buat moto salah satu barang yang didisplay *piracy bukan ya?*. Ternyata emang lucu juga dipake. Kayaknya rok ini juga lucu dipake buat acara resmi dimatchingin ma kebaya gawl gitu. Another idea lah, kapan2 bisa dicoba. Hmmm, jadi kepikiran buat beli kain kotak2 item-putih ala Bali, trus dibikin model yang sama. Dipaduin sama jaket kulit item plus kaos putih. Byuhh..byuh..pasti lucu banget...ethnic and cool!

The first...-:D

Terinspirasi dari salah satu quote favorit gue: "A thousand mile journey begins from one step." Meaning that kalo gue gag mulai2 buat ngeblog lagi, yang gag bakalan punya blog lah sampai kapanpun. Makanya dengan segala keterbatasan yang ada *maksutnya gaptek*, mulailah gue nyoba ngeblog lagi, eventhough it's still a very modest one.

Niatnya sih, dengan ngeblog gue bisa mengasah kemampuan writing gue, salah satu my weakness. Don't know why, kemampuan berbicara kok gag sebanding sama kemampuan menulis, kadang di otak udah ngumpul tapi buat nyalurin ke bentuk tulisan seringnya stuck. Yah, a very simple writing to be read. It's a simple story of mine. Enjoy!