October 25, 2011
Complaining [not]
October 20, 2011
Back home..
Well, finally Im home.. So happy that I could rejoin with my family and friends..
And still.. Let's rock on!!-:D
October 1, 2011
Kindness count!
The woman in the right side of me is Sakamoto san. She's the one who helped me wearing a kimono-hakama on my graduation day. What a nice of her since she came to Deffi's house, helped me and in the end, she dont want to be paid.
In my left is Ono san. She's the one who helped Deffi to find a salon (to wear kimono-hakama). But unfortunately, most saloons are closed at Monday, so she asked her friend to help me.
We dont get each other on our conversation, but surely, they are really kind.
Doomo arigatou gozaimashita..
September 28, 2011
[not] the end of the road
Well finally.. I finish my master. Those hard time have gone. I wont forget those sleepless and stressfull time. But indeed, it's not my end of goals, doesnt have to be the next 'es nong nong nong' just learning in every second of my life. Since the more I know, the more stupid I feel inside..
Though I dont really satisfy to my achievement, but still I'm so gratefull to what Allah has given to me. Alhamdulillah..
So let's enjoy the ambience..hoho..!-:)
And yes..Alhamdulillah.. This is for you MomDad..!-:)
September 25, 2011
Aaah CD..!
Demi si adek, saya rela sedikit puyeng di HMV.. Untuk bisa nemu dua cd ini aja saya berasa udah pengen jambak2in rambut.. Ampun deeeh.. *salah sendiri gag bisa Nihon go-:p
September 24, 2011
I'm fallin' in love....-:D
September 20, 2011
Conversation in the bullet train
September 15, 2011
September 9, 2011
Maroon sun flowers
I kinda surprised when I saw those maroon sun flowers. Seems that those are someone's research, since I saw them at the pilot plantation of my campus.. Well, they are cute, but still I prefer the original one.. Because the sun is yellow right..?-:D
September 8, 2011
Green tea muffin for breakfast
Inspired by Mbak Astrid's blog here, I intend to make green tea muffins. It's not really that successful actually, but it is yummy..indeed..-:).
First, mix the vegetable oil, green tea, and vanilla essence.
Then add the brown sugar
Add the beaten eggs and cheese slices
Then add the flour and baking soda
Put it un the muffin cups and bake them
Aaaand... Enjoy!-:D
Behind the lebaran story
September 7, 2011
September 5, 2011
September 1, 2011
Memorable Eid,ever!
Finally our opor ayam, sambel goreng ati, lontong, and their friends...
Eid Mubarrak..!
August 28, 2011
From apple to..
We, me and Deffi, like to spend time together by cooking. And yesterday, we made 'apple cake' for ifthaar jami. Actually this is a very simple recipe, but I dont know why the taste was not really good-:(
Do you dare to try...?-:D
Slice the apple
Beat the eggs and oil, then add sugar
Add flour, choco powder,cinnamon,salt,vanilla,and baking powder
Add the apple slice and almond slice.
And finally bake it with 180degC in 30 minutes
So easy right... Enjoy!
*well,I forgot to take the cake picture...-:D
August 27, 2011
Ala Po-Lem
I accidentally could make this 'po-lem' style using my black ruffle shawl, haha..not bad laa..
And everyone whom I met asked: 'kami'? (hair?). I just smile..off course not laaa..!
August 24, 2011
Eternal love
August 18, 2011
My Indonesia

August 17, 2011
Red and white spirit

August 16, 2011
the G word!
August 15, 2011
a friend and a ship?-:D