I dont know why, today I start my day with the dissapointed feeling knowing that one of the corruption suspect is still at his early 3os. The naif me hopes that the young generations of Indonesia have different attitude, principle and character to the old generations, since I do hope the better Indonesia someday.
Aaaand, what is more, later on I read this news [here]. Another sad fact-:((. First she doesnt know who was the author of Indonesian anthem, then she also doesnt know much about Pancasila (Indonesia's five basic principle), and fyi, she is what's so called the Miss Indonesia, duh!
I might look like the miss drama queen, but for me this is just so sad. As Indonesian, you should know about the very basic thing such that. It is not our basic principle of life indeed, but as a citizen, the part of a country, you should know your country's history, at least a liltle, and also know the basic priciple to live together as the member of the country. And I have nothing to say more...this is just unbelieveable...but real...
This is Pancasila, if you're Indonesian, you must know about this well. When I was in school, I have to memorize this thing, and the other detil points of Pancasila, it's a bunch. As basic principle, this is the ideal view of Indonesian, like all Indonesians have to believe to God, tho we have different religion. And sorry to say, I dont think you can say that you are an atheist if you are Indonesian.

And Garuda Pancasila as our symbol. I really love the 'Bhineka Tunggal Ika' word as our motto which means 'unity in diversity'.
I do hope that the Indonesian youths know more about this. Though still, I personally believes that the most fundamental thing in our live is religion, but this nationality basic priciple is also important, [IMHO].

pictures from: 4.bp.blogspot.com and id.wikipedia.org
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