August 28, 2011

From apple to..

We, me and Deffi, like to spend time together by cooking. And yesterday, we made 'apple cake' for ifthaar jami. Actually this is a very simple recipe, but I dont know why the taste was not really good-:(

Do you dare to try...?-:D

Slice the apple

Beat the eggs and oil, then add sugar

Add flour, choco powder,cinnamon,salt,vanilla,and baking powder

Add the apple slice and almond slice.

And finally bake it with 180degC in 30 minutes

So easy right... Enjoy!
*well,I forgot to take the cake picture...-:D

August 27, 2011


I just a read this post from jum' It's definitely such a 'wow' story..

"Ini bukan tentang penyanyi Victoria Justice atau juri American Idol Paula Abdul. Ini lain zaman dan lain urusan. Ini adalah kisah nyata Queen Victoria; Ratu Inggris yang dinobatkan pada usia 18 tahun dan bertahta selama 64 tahun sampai wafatnya pada 1901. Ia juga bergelar Empress of India. Abdul adalah Moh. Abdul Karim, pria muslim jangkung dan tampan kelahiran Agra, India yang tidak lain adalah pelayan Sri Ratu. Ia didatangkan pada ulang tahun tahta ke 50 (Golden Jubilee) Ratu Victoria pada 1887 yang dirayakan besar-besaran di Istana Buckingham dihadiri oleh 50 Raja dan Pangeran dari Eropah serta utusan negara-negara jajahannya. Abdul Karim awalnya ditugaskan untuk melayani makan malam seorang tamu princess dari India dan sekaligus sebagai bukti status kekaisaran Ratu Victoria atas anak benua India. Saat itu Karim berusia 24 tahun dan Ratu Victoria adalah janda dengan 9 anak berumur 65 tahun lebih. Ternyata Ratu jatuh hati kepada pemuda elegan ini. (Sebenarnya Karim sudah punya istri di India). Karimlah yang memperkenalkan masakan kari kepada Sri Ratu, yang kemudian setiap hari selama 15 tahun kari diharuskan ada pada menu makan siang di istana Windsor. Makin lama Ratu makin terpesona oleh pelayan Indianya itu dan terbukti mereka saling mencintai sampai akhir hayat mereka. Suatu saat Ratu Victoria berkata kepada Louise menantunya: “Saya sangat suka kepadanya. Dia begitu baik, lembut dan penuh pengertian…banar-benar pelipur lara bagi saya” Surat-suratnya kepada Karim selalu diakhiri dengan “Ibumu tersayang, sahabat terdekat, Victoria R.I.” bahkan kadang-kadang ditandai dengan cap bibir, yang jarang diklakukan orang dizaman itu.

Karim diminta mengajarinya bahasa Urdu dan diberinya gelar Al- Munshi atau guru. Hubungan guru-murid semakin merasuk sehingga kedekatan keduanya menimbulkan kecemburuan dikalangan istana. Dari pelayan dimeja makan naik menjadi kepala rumah tangga istana, lalu Commmander of the Royal Victorian Order (CVO) dan Indian Sectretary to Queen Victoria. Bila ia sakit, Victoria selalu menjenguknya bahkan ia yang merapihkan bantalnya, dan bila ia cuti ke India, setiap hari Ratu Victoria menulis surat kepadanya. Keluarga kerajaan semakin geram ketika keduanya menginap sendirian di istana musim panas di Blamoral, Scotlandia. Bila diingat bahwa Abdul 43 tahun lebih muda, tentulah cinta Victoria itu cinta keibuan bukan cinta asmara. Tapi siapa tahu karena Ratu pada usia 68 masih segar bugar. Ia juga sayang dan akrab dengan istri dan ibu mertua Karim yang belakangan diboyong oleh Ratu ke Inggris. Ayah Karim yang sudah pensiun juga dibawa ke Inggris dengan kehidupan yang dijamin oleh Ratu. Karim memperoleh segalanya: kasih sayang, kepercayaan, pangkat dan harta. Karim bukan hanya baik kepada Ratu tetapi taat, hormat dan setia, setimpal dengan ganjaran yang diterimanya. Karena Karimlah Sri Ratu membangun Durbar Room, paviliun istana bersuasana India yang indah dan mewah untuk menerima tamu-tamu dari India.

Cinta Victoria – Abdul juga menyelamatkan minoritas Islam India dari tekanan umat Hindu karena Ratu selalu memerintahkan wakil Inggris di India untuk melindungi mereka demi cintanya dan atas perimntaan Abdul Karim. Bukan saja umat Islam, ratu sangat menaruh perhatian pada India seutuhnya. Ratupun berpesan agar Abdul Karim diberikan tempat istimewa pada pemakaman dirinya bila wafat nanti. Pada saatnya Karim duduk sendiri menatap jenazah Victoria; terkenang ketika pertama kali ia mecium kakinya di istana Windsor, malam-malam mengajar bahasa Urdu, kemesraan, gossip serta kesepian hati Sang Ratu yang ia maklumi. Tiga hari kemudian pengawal Raja Edward ke 7 pengganti Victoria datang untuk mengusir Karim serta keluarganya kembali ke India. Semua bukti hubungan Victoria-Abdul dibakar musnah. Tetapi Karim berhasil menyelamatkan catatan hariannya yang sangat berharga. Abdul Karim meninggal di Agra tahun 1909 pada usia 46 tahun.

Pada tahun 2010 buku harian yang tersimpan selama satu abad itu diserahkan oleh Begum QamarJehan (85 th), satu-satunya kerabat Karim yang masih hidup, kepada seorang penulis wanita dari London yang sedang menulis kisah cinta keduanya yaitu Shrabani Basu. Bacalah buku Shrabani Basu yang berjudul Victoria and Abdul. Bukan hanya disarikan dari catatan harian Karim, tetapi juga dari catatan harian Ratu Vicoria sendiri yang biasa dinamai Hindustan Journal. Tetang kekuatan cinta yang tidak mengenal batas, tentang Victoria Ratu Agung yang mencintai pemuda India dari kalangan bawah. Pada saat Kerajaan Inggris mencapai puncaknya, seorang pemuda Islam menempati posisi sentral dan berpengaruh atas kedaulatannya."

I really have just known about this..surprise..surprise..-:D

Ala Po-Lem

I accidentally could make this 'po-lem' style using my black ruffle shawl, haha..not bad laa..
And everyone whom I met asked: 'kami'? (hair?). I just course not laaa..!

August 24, 2011

Eternal love

Last night I read my friend's post at his blog [here], and suddenly I remembered my conversation with one of my friends. She said that it is understandable if someone want to live far away from his/her parents without any bonding feeling. So, it is okay if you live separately from your parents and you do not even call them or visit them. For me this is silly idea, how come it is understandable or okay? That is your parents. But she argued that not all people have a good relation with their parents, not all people think their parents are their best friend or their hero. And she also said I might not understand that since I have a very good relation with my parents. So I just keep silent, I do not know what to say at that time. I just thought that is it true, if you dont have a good realation with your parents back then, then you lost that bonding feeling? When I come to another argument that taking care our parents is an obligation in our religion, she said it is for men, while women only have obligation to her husband. Is that so?

Well, I dont want to give any comment about the religion side, whether it is obligation or not. I just want to view the picture from my senses. Apart from the relation back then, have we ever realized what have our parents done for us? They both have raised us, with much love or without any love you could remember, but still they took care of us, right? Feed you, taught you, paid you, protected you. Parents are also human, they might make mistakes. They might not as perfect as you have dreamed of, not as warm and lovely as you might wish of, but I think they might do their best for you. Have you ever counted what they have done for you? Could you pay those back?

IMHO, I still can't understand someone's opinion who think that after grown up, our parents are another strange person, who live separately from us and no longer have connection with us. Some people might have different experience back then, but do you still have heart to remember your parents kindness? Please see this video below, and do think back what have your parents done for you, and what have you done for your parents, have it been equal? My personal answer is no. Thus I always found myself wept seeing this video-:((.

video courtessy of you tube @rajeshn765

August 18, 2011

My Indonesia

I dont know why, today I start my day with the dissapointed feeling knowing that one of the corruption suspect is still at his early 3os. The naif me hopes that the young generations of Indonesia have different attitude, principle and character to the old generations, since I do hope the better Indonesia someday.

Aaaand, what is more, later on I read this news [here]. Another sad fact-:((. First she doesnt know who was the author of Indonesian anthem, then she also doesnt know much about Pancasila (Indonesia's five basic principle), and fyi, she is what's so called the Miss Indonesia, duh!

I might look like the miss drama queen, but for me this is just so sad. As Indonesian, you should know about the very basic thing such that. It is not our basic principle of life indeed, but as a citizen, the part of a country, you should know your country's history, at least a liltle, and also know the basic priciple to live together as the member of the country. And I have nothing to say more...this is just unbelieveable...but real...

This is Pancasila, if you're Indonesian, you must know about this well. When I was in school, I have to memorize this thing, and the other detil points of Pancasila, it's a bunch. As basic principle, this is the ideal view of Indonesian, like all Indonesians have to believe to God, tho we have different religion. And sorry to say, I dont think you can say that you are an atheist if you are Indonesian.

And Garuda Pancasila as our symbol. I really love the 'Bhineka Tunggal Ika' word as our motto which means 'unity in diversity'.
I do hope that the Indonesian youths know more about this. Though still, I personally believes that the most fundamental thing in our live is religion, but this nationality basic priciple is also important, [IMHO].

pictures from: and

August 17, 2011

Red and white spirit

Many people might think that, why should we have the flag ceremoy? Just standing in the field, honouring our flag, it might sound silly. Yes, it might sound silly, but have you ever thought about how can we raise the red-white flag there up to the sky now? I believe, long time before there were just The Netherland or Japanese flags waving up in our beloved country sky.

Flag is the symbol of teritory, meaning that at that time our country is part of those countries. So have you ever imagined who many souls sacrified to make the red-white flag waving up in our sky? For me, the flag ceremony is a time when we think back to those souls who fought for our independence. I mean the literally meaning of independence from the imperialization. Thus we have right to put up our flag, as a symbol that Indonesia is Indonesia, no longer the part of The Netherland or Japan.

Regardless of some people who might think that our independence is just the matter of a chance, which at that time Japan was hit by the bombs and the Allied did not even think about the importance of having 'us', those souls have many contributions in our independence. We own them so much.

For me [again], the flag ceremony is the time when Im reminded to those sacrificied souls and the same time, it also makes me think back what can I do to our beloved country. The touching Indonesia Raya song also emerges my optimism to the better of Indonesia someday. It's just as simple as that.

So those people who might think that flag ceremony is just so silly, you have to think where were you now without those sacrified souls. And other people who might think that flag ceremoy means we worship the flag, well, you are defiitely wrong dude..!

August 16, 2011

the G word!

Have ever heard 'galau' word? Do you know the meaning, or have you ever used that kind of word in your sentence?
Me? I dont know the exact meaning of it, but Ive used that word many times, spoken and written.

For me, galau is unstable feeling that turns to mellow, mostly it's caused by 'love term'.
And for me [again], galau is reading 'his time line' who was so happy for tonight ocassion and ended up with me opened all his time line, that brought much more 'galau' feeling in me...

Well okay...this unimportant writing is just to relive what I feel inside...
I do feel so unstable today...-:(

August 15, 2011

a friend and a ship?-:D

Ive just finished watching the latest XMen series called 'The First Class', it's a great movie anyway..anyone has watched the movie?So please tell me that you're agree with me..It's just so great right..?

Well the movie is about the beginning story of them. If youve already watched the previous movies, you will find many answers from this movie, like now I understand why Magneto is really full of hatress, tho, Im not saying that it is right, and many other things actually. But Im not gonna tell you how the story goes, you could just find the DVD I think, it will be much more easier.

The tag line from the movie that has really remained in my heart is what's so called 'friendship'. The friendship of Erik 'Magneto' and Xavier 'Prof. X' is really uniqe and heartbreaking. They both are good friend, but then they become enemy because of different principle. Watching how good they were, was tearing out my heart. Even in the last scene that finally they decide to walk in the different way, they both are understand and respect each other, and even Xavier let Raven go to follow Erik. Me? I could not take this actually, why...? You are good in being friend..-;(.

But when I think back, friend will always be friend, when no one is understand, your friend will. Is it how it worked? They are friend, so he let his friend go, since he's understand how his friend feels. Well, I still dont get it eniwei, a friend should prevent his friend in doing bad things right? Was what Erik did not really that bad? Did he just want to protect himself and other mutants? Dunno exactly about that thing,but still true friend will always there and will always understand -:(.

Watching the movie, I just wonder that they might dont like that change, they might want to stay as happily as before. It is just like how I feel, I want me and my friend are as happily as before, always have time to hang out, chat, and laugh, but the change will always come. It can't be helped, because life is about growing and changing, it's just so sad isn't it?

A wise man said:'Don't be afraid of change! You may lose something good, but you may gain something even better.' Is that as simple as that...?

But I definitely [still] dont want to lose that good times with my friends...-:D

August 14, 2011

lovely sun flowers!

Im really happy today, since I got a chance to view the beautiful scenery, the sun flower plantation.
Well, I love flowers, I think I love all kinds of flowers. Are there any flowers which are not beautiful? I guess not-:D.
If I rank my favourite flower, sun flower gonna be my second favourite flower, while my first is lily. So, being at Sanbogi, is really like a gift.. Trust me it's beautiful...

August 7, 2011

Sad story from Somalia

These pictures are really heartbreaking. Please be kind to help!

the summer fireworks

Let's enjoy the fireworks! I was so despert in taking pictures and videos, which in the end I prefer to see the fireworks directly, so these are some [not good] pictures, my apology...I'm not a good photographer or camera person-;D

I really enjoyed hanabi, the summer fireworks for about 2,5 hours with 16.000 shoots. It's just so great.

Despite the crazy heat, summer in Sendai is great!-;D


Takidashi comes from taki (rice) and dashi (out), so takidashi could be translated as giving out the rice to others. After the great earthquake and tsunami at March 11 that hit Tohoku area, the Indonesian Student Community - Sendai routinly makes takidashi for those victims. The menu that we usually serve is fried rice, this menu is so famous here in Japan, kinda surprising, since there are many others Indonesian food which are much more delicious that fried rice. These pictures were taken at Iwanuma, at the last takidashi before Ramadhan.

met the Iwanuma Major

us; cheers...

before going home

August 2, 2011


What a nice story this video has...

Keep thinking why should we use hijab? Well Allah SWT has made the best way to be followed..

August 1, 2011

drapery style

Wohoo...i can also have the drapery style...-;D

The kimono fitting

Ive chosen the second at the end, but which one do you prefer actually?