Ive just finished watching the latest XMen series called 'The First Class', it's a great movie anyway..anyone has watched the movie?So please tell me that you're agree with me..It's just so great right..?
Well the movie is about the beginning story of them. If youve already watched the previous movies, you will find many answers from this movie, like now I understand why Magneto is really full of hatress, tho, Im not saying that it is right, and many other things actually. But Im not gonna tell you how the story goes, you could just find the DVD I think, it will be much more easier.
The tag line from the movie that has really remained in my heart is what's so called 'friendship'. The friendship of Erik 'Magneto' and Xavier 'Prof. X' is really uniqe and heartbreaking. They both are good friend, but then they become enemy because of different principle. Watching how good they were, was tearing out my heart. Even in the last scene that finally they decide to walk in the different way, they both are understand and respect each other, and even Xavier let Raven go to follow Erik. Me? I could not take this actually, why...? You are good in being friend..-;(.
But when I think back, friend will always be friend, when no one is understand, your friend will. Is it how it worked? They are friend, so he let his friend go, since he's understand how his friend feels. Well, I still dont get it eniwei, a friend should prevent his friend in doing bad things right? Was what Erik did not really that bad? Did he just want to protect himself and other mutants? Dunno exactly about that thing,but still true friend will always there and will always understand -:(.
Watching the movie, I just wonder that they might dont like that change, they might want to stay as happily as before. It is just like how I feel, I want me and my friend are as happily as before, always have time to hang out, chat, and laugh, but the change will always come. It can't be helped, because life is about growing and changing, it's just so sad isn't it?
A wise man said:'Don't be afraid of change! You may lose something good, but you may gain something even better.' Is that as simple as that...?
But I definitely [still] dont want to lose that good times with my friends...-:D