February 7, 2011

The relieve

A story about a day.. A day that made me so nervous...lack of sleep, lack of food, and bunch of stress-:(.
It was my thesis progress report presentation.

my presentation and the remain Human Security members

Well it's not perfect though, but I feel so relief. It's over and I can have amount of sleep, before I meet Wednessday, anther busy day as always.
Oh yeah, before the presentation Oscar senpai, the handsome man stands besides me at the picture, became my saviour, hohoho... *padahal cuma bantuin benerin tampilan di LCD:D*

Then we have a good time at ZamZam, an India halalan restaurant.
Good food, I like the cheese nan, the chicken tikka, the vegetable paroka...nyuuum...

It's true that
"Life is full of obstacles and difficulties,
Then you have to meet them, greet them and defeat them..."
And that's what makes us grow...


  1. selamat intaan, at least satu step sudah terlewati :). betul sekali...harus dihadapi, that's what makes us grow

  2. Hehehe...arigatou jeeuuung...
    Hooh...kemaren awalnha sempet bt2 gitu sama sensei,tapi akhirnya sadar kalo maksut bliaw baik..:)
    Harus selalu positive dan banyak doa niy emang..
    Amiin doakan lancar ya...
    Dirimupun..sakseus terus kerjaannua..:))
