March 15, 2015

Travelling with....

Do you like travelling? Most people would answer yes, I bet you *sok tau kan gue*. Tapi bener kan, most people itu suka travelling. Dan kalau ngeliat trend yang sekarang ada di kalangan anak-anak yang [katanya] gaul dan kekinian, knowing new places somewhere is really such an achievement. 
And if you're asking me, do I like travelling? I probably need some time to answer that *ditanya begitu doang galau* *Zzzz*. Gue pengen bisa dateng ke tempat-tempat yang bagus, terutama somewhere all over Indonesia yang gemesin banget tempat-tempatnya. Cuma, ya gitu..pas di sana terus mau ngapain? Seringnya yang ada di otak ya cuma foto di situ trus udah *cameracholic tingkat dewa*, makanya solo travelling is a big no no buat gue, soalnya nggak ada yang motoin *penting banget*. 
Back to the questin, do I love travelling? As far as I remember, being in a place so called as travelling destination itu ya gitu doang rasanya, bagus sih tempatnya, cuma kalau kita feels empty ya empty juga tempat itu jadinya *tsaah*. 
So what matter the most buat gue itu bukan tempatnya, tapi sama siapa kita ada di sana. Jadi pengen ke sini, pengen ke sana, seru-seruan, ya tergantung temen travellingnya sih. Jadinya PR banget kan buat nyari team mate travelling *kode banget*
So, would you? *keselek*
*tetep curhat*

March 8, 2015

The positive vibe...

This sickness is really killing me. I can't even stop feel so queasy and dizzy. Last nigh, while having dinner, I couldn't stop saying that I'm so bellyful; suddenly lil' sissy said "please, don't say that to yourself, say something good, you're not on nausea, you're okay..."
Oh well, I've forgotten that some positive vibes might work to my body. I'm okay anyway... *sambil masih mual* *ngeeee*